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The Oudezijds 100 Community

The community of Oudezijds 100 is home to people from many corners of society. Here, in the centre of Amsterdam, we strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our daily lives and work. Oudezijds 100 offers help in the form of a walk-in center for people without refuge, social intakes, supported living, medical and social care as well as medical care for uninsured people. The community acts as a big family and training school in support of the above mentioned social-care programmes.

The Spe Gaudentes Community

The Spe Gaudentes community comprises the core group of Oudezijds 100. The members of this community have made a promise of commitment towards each other as well as to the larger community. These members feel called to pursue the search for unity in the midst of diverse Christian traditions. They consider reciprocity and hospitality to be of great value to their commitment as it reminds them to be open and welcoming to the possibility of unexpected contact with other people.

Supported Living/OpStap

The community of Oudezijds 100 provides a live-in opportunity for people on the border of society. By means of professional social care and support, they are encouraged to further develop themselves in becoming self-sustaining members of society. The community acts as a big family/support system as well as a training school for this developmental process. We perform a variety of tasks together i.e. cooking, eating, cleaning, praying, caring for babies and toddlers and going on holiday together. As such, people are taught how to behave in a socially-acceptable manner and how to manage their own finances. This also allows them the opportunity to discover their own capabilities and worth in a safe and supporting environment.


The Kruispost is a medical center offering medical and psychosocial care to people who generally do not qualify for this kind of care in the mainstream healthcare system i.e. uninsured people, homeless people and asylum seekers. The medical care offered at this center is on the same level as that of a general practitioner. We also offer the opportunity to seek social and psychological help as it is our experience that our patients often need more than mere medical care.

Walk-in Center

Our walk-in center, also known as ‘de Kajuit’ (the Cabin) acts as a living room for the Oudezijds 100 community as community members and visitors alike can be found in this room, practically any time of day. Our group of voluntary receptionists strive to uphold our motto of: ‘all are welcome’ while maintaining a familial atmosphere. We believe that this atmosphere makes it easier for those seeking help to engage in conversation which in turn allows for the referral to medical and/or psychosocial care at the Kruispost.

The Chapel

The open Chapel of Saint Joris acts as the chapel for the Oudezijds 100 community. In this inspirational setting we are constantly encouraged to live and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in all aspects of our lives. We have two set services Monday through Saturday at 08h45 in the mornings and at 19h30 in the evenings. We have formal communion services on Tuesday nights which are led by the various leaders of churches we have contact with. There are no services on a Sunday to allow us all the opportunity to attend a church/denomination of our own choice.

Maria ter Claesze

The Maria ter Claesze community-home acts as a retreat center for the community. Here, daily life offers the opportunity for introspection, relaxation and rest, as well as pastoral care. Questions regarding ownership, longevity and the relationship between church and communities often arise. This community has a strong link to the local Frisian churches.


The Oudezijds 100 community supports a developmental project in Kishenyi (Uganda). With the help and leadership of local Charles Byarugaba, a small scale agricultural project, a medical center and a school have been established to date.

Delen? Graag!

OZ100 is een ontmoetingsplek, toevluchtsoord en veilige haven voor iedereen die daar behoefte aan heeft, in de oude binnenstad van Amsterdam.

Wij bieden hulp door inloop, maatschappelijke opvang en begeleid wonen. Onze woongemeenschap functioneert hierin als een grote familie en oefenschool, die de hulpverlening ondersteunt. Op deze manier proberen wij handen en voeten te geven aan de boodschap van Jezus.

Oudezijds 100
T 020 - 626 66 34
E info@oudezijds100.nl

Maria ter Claesze
T 0516 - 57 72 92
F 0516 - 57 74 99

Meer contactgegevens

Copyright Oudezijds100 © 2020

Website door: Webheld.nl